Historical Newspapers

Click on the link below to search the following newspapers in our database:

The Brimfield Gazette - Misc. Issues 1876 to 1879
The Brimfield News - April 6, 1888 through November 12, 1959
The Princeville Telephone - October 10, 1957 through December 25, 1975

Helpful Tips:  Type the persons name your looking for in the Search box.  When using more than one name, put quotations around the names to limit your search (ex. "john smith")   You may have to use different spellings for names, and sometimes women's names may be listed as Mrs. followed by her husband's name. (ex. Mrs. John Smith)  You can also limit your search by clicking on a year, and month you want to search within. 

Please feel free to contact the library for assistance at 309-446-9575