We are here to help you meet your informational, educational, and recreational needs with our materials, programs, and services.

Get Here and Get Help

Find out when we’re open, how to get to the library, and how to get help.

Learn about our hours, location, and ways to contact us.

Get A Library Card

Your library card gives you access to our collections and resources. If you live in the Brimfield School District, you are eligible for a Brimfield Public Library card.

Find out how to request or renew a card.

Who We Are

Great people make a great library.

Get to know the Board of Trustees and our staff.

Apply for a Job

Do you have something unique to offer the library and community? Check our job listings and apply to work here.

How We Operate

The Brimfield Public Library District boundaries match the Brimfield School District boundaries. We are an important information, entertainment, and community resource for the approximately 4,000 residents of the district as well as reciprocal patrons from surrounding communities.

The Library features a collection of more than 24,000 physical items, including books, DVDs, periodicals, games, and technology. Our digital collection has about 2,986,438 items. We bring new technologies to our patrons, offering electronic resources, computer equipment and training for adults and children, assistive reading devices, and online services.

The Library is run by the Director, who is hired by the Library Board of Trustees. The seven members of the Board of Trustees are elected in staggered six-year terms during the Consolidated Election in April. The Board generally meets on the third Monday of each month at 6:30 in the Library.

The Library is divided into five departments: Administration, Adult Services, Facilities, Technical and Circulation Services, and Youth Services. The Library has approximately 2 full-time and 7 part-time employees.

Property Taxes make up a major portion of our operating revenue. Other revenue sources include donations, grants, and fines and fees. A levy request is filed each August at the Peoria County Clerk’s Office. The Library’s fiscal year runs from July 1 – June 30.

To learn more about how we operate, read our policies, learn about our strategic plan, and see what records we maintain.