Enjoy movies, music, audiobooks, books, comics, newspapers, and TV with your library card. We have thousands of titles to choose from. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Ask a staff member to order it from another library.
Books & Audiobooks
Find the titles you’re looking for. Not sure what to read next? Ask our staff for suggestions or find recommendations through Kirkus Reviews and NoveList.

Don’t like due dates? Take home paperbacks. The paperback section is located
next to the Local History section.
Listen to titles on CD, Playaway, or Wonderbook.
Magazines & Newspapers
Borrow both current and back issues of popular magazines on a wide range of topics.

Keep up to date on local news. Find a cozy chair and read the latest editions of the
Peoria Journal Star and Weekly Post.
DVDs & Streaming
Browse thousands of movies and tv shows on DVD and Blu Ray.
Need to borrow a streaming device? Check out a Roku device at the circulation desk.
Roku devices have Netflix, PBS, PBS Kids, and more.
Hotspots & Kits
Don’t have Internet at home? Stop by the Circulation Desk to check out a Wi-Fi hotspot.
A Hotspot Agreement Form must be filled out prior to checkout.
Learn more about science, technology, engineering, arts & design, or math when you take home one of our (STEAM) kits. Each kit contains activities, manipulatives, books, and guides that focus on a specific topic. Find a full list in our catalog.
Puzzles & Games
Puzzles and Games
Take home fun for all ages. Browse our large selection of honor system puzzles or check out our growing selection of board games and video games.
Little Free Library
Find novels, picture books, easy readers and more at the little free library located outside of the main entrance.