If you or someone you know needs assistance finding a job, we have resources that can help.

Resources at the Library

Vocational and Career Collection
The Vocational & Career Collection is designed for those looking for information for nearly 340 trade and industry-related periodicals. Subjects include automotive, construction, engineering, finance, food service, nursing, marketing, real estate, retail, and technology.

Online Resources
From the U.S. Department of Labor, this is one of the best job search sites available. Career One Stop offers an in-depth guide with information on individual industries and occupations. This is a great first stop for any job seeker.
Job Hunt contains a collection of articles and guides related to the job search. Sign up for the newsletter for weekly job advice.

Federal Trade Commission: Consumer Advice
This guide from the Federal Trade Commission explores what to look out for while conducting a job search and how to avoid scams.

Job Search Agencies

Illinois WorksNet
This government site assists with resume building, interviewing, networking, and more. It also provides federally-funded training scholarships and hosts online job fairs.

Upwardly Global
This non-profit agency assists immigrant, refugee, and asylee professionals in finding suitable employment in the United States.

Find Job Listings and
These are meta job search sites that compile job openings from companies and other job search websites.
This is a guide on the country’s largest employer, the U.S. government, and includes job listings

The best way to find a job is by networking, and the premier online networking tool is LinkedIn.

Researching Potential Employers

Besides being a great resource for networking, LinkedIn also contains valuable information on employers, including the latest news and information on current and past employees.

Glassdoor provides data from past and current employees. It is a great source for information on what it’s like to work for a company, what to expect during an interview, and salary information for specific career positions.