Carl Jensen: History of Brimfield Schools

Interview Date: 2 November 1993

 Carl Jensen’s lengthy tenure as the Superintendent of Brimfield Schools lasted from 1958 to 1973. He served at a time during great change in the country and community. During a presentation to the Brimfield Historical Society on 2 November 1993, Carl Jensen recounted changes and achievements in the Brimfield schools during his time there. The introduction to his presentation is given by Henrietta Memler. The presentation was recorded on cassette tape. 

The original recording was converted to a digital format by Kim (Claybaugh) Hanks in May 2022. Due to the quality of the original recording and the limitations of the digital conversion process, sections of the digital recording may not be audible or discernable.  

The spelling of names and places referenced in Dr. Hunter’s presentation may not be accurate. When searching for key words, names, and places, use spelling variations as needed.  


Time Stamp for major topics

00:06 Introduction – Henrietta Memler
02:38 Introduction of topic – Carl Jensen
03:09 Poll of audience
03:45 Society of Change
04:06 Carl’s career before Brimfield
08:18 Brimfield Schools in Carl’s early years
10:56 Brimfield Schools in 1975-1976
12:46 Education Accreditation
13:56 1ew grade school/Fire safety requirements
16:46 Growth in new grade school
19:36 Special Education
22:41 Expansion of school services
28:15 Funny Incidents
31:37 Process of change/custodians
36:06 Conclusion  

Topics Covered/Key Words

Brimfield Grade School
Brimfield High School
Melva LaFollette
One room school
Athens, Illinois
Petersburg, Illinois
Springfield, Illinois
Long Nine Club
Illinois State Teacher’s Association
Claude Vick [sp.]
Wayne Soul [sp.]
Willard Hasselbacher
Northcentral Association
Mr. Dodd
State fire code
Steve Howe
School lunch
Sections in each grade
Elkhart, Illinois
Drake Hotel
Title I


Interviewed by: Brimfield Historical Society

Interview Format: mp3 Recording

Total Time : 36:44

The interview is archived at the Brimfield Public Library District in Brimfield, Illinois.

The Brimfield Oral History Project is a long-term effort to record the stories of Brimfield’s past in the voices of those who remember and make these original sources available for generations to come. This collaboration is a partnership between the Brimfield Public Library District, the Brimfield Historical Society, and the Peoria County Genealogical Society.

Readers of interview transcripts, if available, should bear in mind that this is a transcript of the spoken word and that the interviewer, interviewee, and editors sought to preserve the interview as recorded. Brimfield Public Library District and project volunteers are not responsible for the factual accuracy of this interview, nor for the opinions expressed within.

© Brimfield Public Library District 2023

This interview and accompanying documents may be used for educational and non-commercial purposes without the written permission of the Brimfield Public Library District. However, the Fair Use criteria of Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976 must be followed. These materials may not be deposited in other repositories or used for resale or commercial purposes without authorization from the Brimfield Public Library District Director.

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