William Minor Sr
Interview Date: 3 August 1993
Bill Minor was invited by the Brimfield Historical Society to speak at its meeting about Brimfield Auto Sales and Brimfield Motor Company. The presentation he made that day was recorded on cassette tape. In April 2022, Kim (Claybaugh) Hanks converted the cassette to a digital recording.
Below is a tag and timestamp for this audio recording. The original cassette recording is not high quality. Because of this there are places of the digital recording that may not be audible or discernable. There are likely spelling issues with names and places in the timestamp.
When searching for key words/tags, names, places, and dates use spelling variations if needed.
Time Stamp for major topics
00:00 No sound
00:12 Introduction by unknown member of Brimfield Historical Society of Bill Minor
01:11 Brimfield Motor Company and J H Dungan garage, old Auto Sales Company
02:20 Brimfield Transfer Company
03:25 Blackhawk Motor Transit Company
05:00 Dungan Family Members, Grant Minor, Clifford Cady, Claude Merrills, Everritt Merrills
05:33 Chrysler Plymouth contract [dealership]
06:17 Dungan School Bus business
08:25 Brimfield Motor Company
10:08 Business Property at west end of Brimfield
10:40 Fire at Brimfield Motor Company
13:55 Recovery from the fire, Emery building
16:15 Question about Jack Church, Kelly Building, Harding, Reinhart, Dungan Lumber yard
17:59 Question about Roll Top Desk in Kelly Building
19:43 Sale of Brimfield Motor Company and Retirement of Bill Minor, Cobra Tire Company
22:00 Questions, discussion of fire and burglaries in other businesses in town
Topics Covered/Key Words
Bill Minor
John Dungan
Auto Sales Company
Brimfield Motor Company
Brimfield Transfer Company
Blackhawk Transit Company
Grant Minor
Clifford Cady
Claude Merrills
Everritt Merrills
Chrysler Plymouth
School Bus
J I Case
Kaiser Cars
Dodge Trucks
Allis Chalmer
Emery Building
Jack Church
Kelly Building
Dungan Lumber Yard
Roll Top Desk
Cobra Tire Company
Interviewed by: Brimfield Historical Society
Interview Format: mp3 Recorded from Original Cassette Tape
Total Time : 32:13
The interview is archived at the Brimfield Public Library District in Brimfield, Illinois.
The Brimfield Oral History Project is a long-term effort to record the stories of Brimfield’s past in the voices of those who remember and make these original sources available for generations to come. This collaboration is a partnership between the Brimfield Public Library District, the Brimfield Historical Society, and the Peoria County Genealogical Society.
Readers of interview transcripts, if available, should bear in mind that this is a transcript of the spoken word and that the interviewer, interviewee, and editors sought to preserve the interview as recorded. Brimfield Public Library District and project volunteers are not responsible for the factual accuracy of this interview, nor for the opinions expressed within.
© Brimfield Public Library District 2023
This interview and accompanying documents may be used for educational and non-commercial purposes without the written permission of the Brimfield Public Library District. However, the Fair Use criteria of Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976 must be followed. These materials may not be deposited in other repositories or used for resale or commercial purposes without authorization from the Brimfield Public Library District Director.