Mar 26, 2024

November 1933 – Library Relocates and Reopens

By |2024-03-26T19:04:55-05:00March 26, 2024|

The Library Board purchased the little building on Galena Avenue next to the Community Building for $35 in August of 1933 and transformed the space with donations of labor and resources from the community.

Mar 26, 2024

March 1929 – Library Relocates Above H. O. Cady & Son Store

By |2024-03-26T19:46:37-05:00March 26, 2024|

By early 1929, the Library collection had grown to 1150 volumes, and members of the Brimfield Library Association decided to move the collection and equipment to a larger space above the H. O. Cady & Son store on the corner of Galena and Knoxville Avenues. The Library Association's officers were [...]

Mar 26, 2024

December 1927 – Brimfield Public Library Opens to the Public

By |2024-03-26T19:47:52-05:00March 26, 2024|

The original Brimfield Public Library housed its collection of 600 donated books in a room in Brimfield’s Community Building and was open to the public on Saturday afternoons from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. The Library was run by volunteer librarians, including Mrs. Harold Burt, Miss Dorothy Plack, Mrs. R.B. [...]

Mar 26, 2024

March 1927 – Community Members Form Public Library Association

By |2024-03-26T19:48:30-05:00March 26, 2024|

On March 18, 1927, Brimfield community members met to discuss the formation of a Public Library Association. The Association was formally created on March 31, 1927. Miss Florence Wyman was elected President, and Mrs. Bertha A. Roberts was elected secretary. Other association members included Mrs. H. O. Cady, Mrs. Orvill [...]

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