Event Series Classic Film Friday

Classic Film Friday

Brimfield Public Library 111 S. Galena Avenue, Brimfield

Join us for a free movie, popcorn, refreshments, and comfortable seating as we watch a classic film. Open to those 18+. Due to licensing agreements, the movie title can not be posted on social media. Please call us at 309-446-9575 or email adultservices@brimfieldlibrary.org for movie information.

Event Series Classic Film Friday

Classic Film Friday

Brimfield Public Library 111 S. Galena Avenue, Brimfield

Join us for a free movie, popcorn, refreshments, and comfortable seating as we watch a classic film. Open to those 18+. Due to licensing agreements, the movie title can not be posted on social media. Please call us at 309-446-9575 or email adultservices@brimfieldlibrary.org for movie information.

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