Bring your yoga mat, water bottle and wear comfy clothes as Nancy Shallenberger instructs yoga on Thursday evenings from 6:00-7:00 in the library activity room. Beginners welcome. All ages are welcome and cost is $4.00 per class.
Bring your yoga mat, water bottle and wear comfy clothes as Nancy Shallenberger instructs yoga on Thursday evenings from 6:00-7:00 in the library activity room. Beginners welcome. All ages are welcome and cost is $4.00 per class.
Need to renew your Driver's License or purchase a new sticker? What about getting a Real ID or New/Renewal State ID card? Well the IL Secretary of State Mobile DMV Unit is headed this way! Walk-in to Brimfield Public Library anytime between 10am-2pm, Tuesday, July 23rd to conveniently take care [...]
Bring your yoga mat, water bottle and wear comfy clothes as Nancy Shallenberger instructs yoga on Thursday evenings from 6:00-7:00 in the library activity room. Beginners welcome. All ages are welcome and cost is $4.00 per class.
Summer Readers! Join us to celebrate our summer of reading fun on Saturday, July 27 from 10:00-12:00 at the library. Bounce houses, Kona Ice (readers receive a free treat if you have earned your Party Ticket!), and games and crafts will be available for all ages. No registration required.
Bring your yoga mat, water bottle and wear comfy clothes as Nancy Shallenberger instructs yoga on Thursday evenings from 6:00-7:00 in the library activity room. Beginners welcome. All ages are welcome and cost is $4.00 per class.